Got married in India and changed my last name, now i need to update my name on official US documents . Will my Indian marriage certificate with my new name be sufficient?

Got married in India and changed my last name, now i need to update my name on official US documents . Will my Indian marriage certificate with my new name be sufficient?

Hi there,

It depends! In most cases, an Indian marriage certificate showing your new last name might be enough to update your name on some official documents in the US. However, it can vary depending on the specific document and the issuing agency.

Here's a breakdown:

Social Security Administration (SSA): An Indian marriage certificate is generally accepted by the SSA for a name change after marriage. You might need additional documents like your passport showing your new name.

Other agencies (DMV, banks etc.): Some agencies, like the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or banks, might require additional documentation along with your marriage certificate. This could include a certified translation of the certificate if it's not in English, or a court order formally recognizing your name change.

Here's what you can do to be sure:

Contact the issuing agency directly: The best way to find out for sure what documents you need is to contact the specific agency where you want to update your name. They'll be able to give you the most up-to-date requirements.

Explore online resources: Many government agencies have websites with information on name change procedures and required documents. Contact NRIWAY for more information




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