Category: NRI Certificates

What is a police clearance certificate?

Indian passport holders who apply for Residential Status, Employment, or Long-Term Visas, or immigration, are given a Police Clearance Certificate (PCC). Individuals travelling abroad on a tourist visa are ineligible for a PCC. The Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) is an official document issued by the Indian Police or an authorised Indian Government official to an individual. It detects any criminal records a person may have against their name and gives a clearing certificate if such documents are clear. A PCC may be necessary for Indian or foreign people who are currently or have previously resided in India for the following reasons: 

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What are the different documentation services offered for NRIs?

There are so many instances when a particular task is important or urgent and may require NRI intervention. But they cannot travel to India that quickly and need to complete that work within the stipulated time. They might require different documents for different purposes. For example, they might require a birth certificate to apply for a passport, visa, or license. The NRIs may need transcripts to apply for admission or permanent residency, immigration, etc.

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A Guide to Certificate Attestation in India for NRIs, PIOs & OCIs

Attestation simply means validating educational or non-educational document either marksheet, Transcript, Degree Certificate and more. The Certificate is useless untill it get attested by authority person. For example, An Employee needs an attested document while approving his/her medical leaves, In case, he/she is unable to submit attested certificate done by authority, will get rejected.

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A Glimmer of Hope? Potential Changes to the Green Card Process for Indians in the USA

For many Indians, obtaining a green card and achieving permanent residency in the USA is a long-held dream. However, the current system is often riddled with backlogs, leaving applicants waiting for years, sometimes even decades.

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