My marriage certificate from India has some minor water damage. Will this affect its validity for getting an apostille, or will it still be accepted?

My marriage certificate from India has some minor water damage.  Will this affect its validity for getting an apostille, or will it still be accepted?

It depends on the severity of the water damage on your marriage certificate. Here's why:

Minor Damage Likely Okay: If the water damage is minor and all the text and official stamps are clearly readable, it should likely be accepted for the apostille process.

Major Damage Might Cause Issues: However, if the water damage is significant, obscures important information, or makes the document appear tampered with, it might be rejected during the apostille application.

Here's what you can do:

Try Getting a Replacement: If possible, consider obtaining a replacement marriage certificate from the issuing authority in India. This might be the most straightforward solution.

Contact the Appointing Authority: The authority that will be apostilling your documents (usually the Ministry of External Affairs or MEA in India) can provide the most up-to-date information on their policy regarding water-damaged documents. Their website or a call to their office can clarify if your specific marriage certificate will be accepted.

Consider Professional Restoration (Optional): In some cases, professional document restoration services might be able to salvage a water-damaged document if the damage is salvageable. However, this can be an expensive option.



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