Union Budget 2024: Sweet Relief or Sour Deal for Property Owners?

The Union Budget 2024 has brought about significant changes to the taxation of property-related transactions. While the reduction in Long-Term Capital Gains (LTCG) tax rate from 20% to 12.5% might seem like a boon for property owners, the devil, as they say, lies in the details. Let's break down what this means for you.

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Bridging the Gap: Addressing Delays in Birth Certificate Issuance for NRIs Seeking Green Cards

Birth certificates in India are essential for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) seeking green cards in countries like the USA, Canada, and the UK. This document serves as a critical proof of identity and age, and delays in its issuance can cause significant setbacks in the immigration process. This blog will explore the challenges NRIs face in acquiring their birth certificates, the steps to apply for one online, and how to make the process simple.

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A Glimmer of Hope? Potential Changes to the Green Card Process for Indians in the USA

For many Indians, obtaining a green card and achieving permanent residency in the USA is a long-held dream. However, the current system is often riddled with backlogs, leaving applicants waiting for years, sometimes even decades.

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The American Dream: Alternative Pathways to Permanent Residency for Indians in the USA

The United States beckons with opportunity and a promise of a brighter future. For many Indians, obtaining a green card and achieving permanent residency is a crucial step towards realizing the American Dream.

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Birth Certificate in India: How to Apply, Fees & Documents Required

A birth certificate is an important document. It proves your date of birth and place of birth. In India, getting a birth certificate is simple if you follow the right steps.

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I'm planning my wedding in India, but some of my friends who were supposed to be witnesses might not be able to attend. Can I have family members act as witnesses instead?

Family Witnesses Allowed: Indian law typically allows close family members to act as witnesses for marriage registrations. This includes parents, siblings, or even cousins.

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I'm planning to convert to my fiancé's religion before our wedding in India. Does the conversion need to be completed before the marriage ceremony, or can it happen afterward?

In most cases, completing your conversion to your fiancé's religion before your wedding ceremony in India is preferable, but it might not be strictly mandatory depending on the specific religion and location.

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My fiancé and I are getting married, and I'm a US citizen while they're from India. We're considering a pre-marital agreement. Will a pre-marital agreement drafted in the US be recognized in

Postnuptial Agreements as an Option: India does recognize postnuptial agreements, which are agreements signed after you get married. This could be an alternative approach to consider.

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I'm getting married in a different state within India, far from where I usually live. Will I be able to register the marriage there, or do I need to go back to my home state for registration

In most cases, you can register your marriage in India regardless of where the wedding takes place, as long as one of you fulfills the residency requirement. Here's the good news:

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The country I'm moving to requires an apostille on my Indian documents. Are the apostille requirements the same for all countries, or could they vary depending on the destination country?

Hague Convention Sets the Baseline: Most countries are members of the Hague Convention of 1961 that simplifies apostille procedures. This convention establishes a standardized apostille process for member countries.

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