My marriage certificate from India has some minor water damage. Will this affect its validity for getting an apostille, or will it still be accepted?

Minor Damage Likely Okay: If the water damage is minor and all the text and official stamps are clearly readable, it should likely be accepted for the apostille process.

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I need an affidavit sworn in India for my documents to be apostilled. However, the affidavit document is in English. Will this be an issue, or can it still be used for the apostille process

English Widely Accepted: English is a widely accepted language in India, especially for official documents. The authorities processing your apostille application should be able to understand and accept an affidavit in English.

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I need an apostille on my educational documents from India for a job application abroad. Is there any way to expedite the apostille process to meet the application deadline?

Expedited Service (if available): Some Regional Authentication Centres (RACs) in India might offer an expedited apostille service for an additional fee. This could significantly reduce processing time, but it's not universally available.

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I've heard there might be a way to get an apostille online in India. Is this a legitimate option, or should I stick with the traditional apostille process?

That's a great question! As of right now, there isn't a fully online system for getting an apostille on documents in India.

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Getting married in the US with an Indian ceremony? Wondering if you need separate marriage certificates for each location?

One Marriage, One Certificate: As long as you get a legal marriage license and perform the official ceremony in the US, that single marriage certificate should be recognized as valid in both the US and India (though some additional steps might be required in India).

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Got married in India and changed my last name, now i need to update my name on official US documents . Will my Indian marriage certificate with my new name be sufficient?

It depends! In most cases, an Indian marriage certificate showing your new last name might be enough to update your name on some official documents in the US. However, it can vary depending on the specific document and the issuing agency.

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We got married in India but lost our marriage certificate. Now that we live in the UK, we need it for a visa application. Can we get a replacement marriage certificate from India?

I understand this can be stressful! Don't worry, there are ways to get a replacement marriage certificate from India

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My parents were not married when I was born in Chennai in 1958. Will this affect my ability to obtain a birth certificate?

They can give you the latest information on birth certificate procedures for births from 1958 and tell you if there were any specific requirements regarding parents' marital status at that time.

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My name was legally changed in Delhi in 1982. Does my birth certificate from 1960 need to be updated to reflect my new name?

Your birth certificate primarily shows your birth details like date, location, and parents' names. It's a record of when you came into the world! The legal document reflecting your 1982 name change in Delhi is the main record for your new name.

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I was adopted in Hyderabad in 1975. Can I obtain a birth certificate that reflects my adoptive parents' information, or will it show my biological parents' details?

Adoption laws in India can be tricky, and the information on your Hyderabad birth certificate depends on when your adoption was finalized. If it happened after December 2015, your certificate should already show your adoptive parents' names! Current laws prioritize that.

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